Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Streaming Convenience

A few weeks ago I posted about the dying of DVD sections/bins in gas stations and how searching those became a source of entertainment for my younger self. I started to think about how the rise in popularity of streaming may have led to a decline in interest for gas stations to keep physical media for sale. I certainly have noticed that for a significant portion of my reviews to date, they have come from me watching them from various streaming services. Do I own each movie that I have reviewed? Yes. But that didn't stop me from selecting which movies I wanted to review based on how convenient it was to access the movie - even though going to my office from any point in my house is by no means inconvenient.

There was one trend that I noticed while looking for movies to watch for this blog: most of the movies that are available for streaming (with my subscribed services) were inclusive of the past 20 years of Nic Cage's career. I think I remember seeing Peggy Sue got Married and Face/Off as the only two that bucked the trend. I will have to break out my physical media soon for some of the older titles that I want to review, and that will honestly be the encouragement needed to watch some of his less mainstream work of the 1980s to mid-1990s (pre-Leaving Las Vegas). I have seen a handful of titles, such as Vampire's Kiss,  Moonstruck, Deadfall, Zandalee (though with not much attention), but I am excited to gather exposure to the early Cage, even titles where he is still credited as Coppola!

There it is, short and sweet. I wanted to follow up on some thoughts that I had expressed in last month's blog post and examine some other things that showed themselves as possible avenues of exploration. I have a few reviews scheduled for the rest of the month so far, but feel free to give me recommendations for movies that I have yet to review. I'm terrible at making decisions and if nobody stops me, I'm going to be reviewing movies in order of increasing runtime.

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